Writing 1

How to Structure a News Article

It helps to have a plan and structure to follow when writing your news article. In fact you could go as far as to say it’s essential to writing a clear and concise story. We should caveat this whole article by saying that there is no right way to structure an article. A lot depends on the type of story you’re writing. Generally you should use the inverted pyramid structure. This involves having heavier, more important news at the top and lighter, less important news at the bottom. Here’s how to structure and partly how to write a news article:

1. Introduction

The first thing you should do is list the 5Ws and attempt to answer them; Who, What, Where, When and Why. This will form the basis of the introduction and is the best way to kick off the story. It’s also the easiest and quickest way to get your ideas on the page and just get things started. It must also include the most important part of the story. Remember that good introductions avoid jargon, abbreviation and unnecessary punctuation.

2. How – Quotes and specifics

Keep the quotes in the 2nd paragraph or later. Quotes should say something the interviewer can’t say themselves. They are supposed to express an opinion of someone involved in the story or describe their feelings. They must also be interesting enough for the audience and add more to the story. Make sure all quotes are attributed to the speaker’s full name and title, unless they have chosen to remain anonymous. Quotes can be paraphrased if they’re too complex or unclear to the reader. Read our guide on how to use quotes for a deeper look.

3. Amplification – Make it more interesting

Be clear on the elements of the story that will interest readers. Try to imagine people you know reading the story. Think about what they would react well to. What would make them want to read on. Present stories in a way that suits the medium. Popular news is about names and faces. Therefore think about the prominence of those involved.

4. Tie up – Not a conclusion

‘Tying up’ an article in this context means briefly summarising the main ideas and leaving the reader with a lasting impression of the facts and ideas you wanted the article to convey. Remember the news values of accuracy, fairness, balance, transparency and accountability and apply them throughout. Try to stick to one main idea per paragraph. Finally, remember not to make assumptions and definitive conclusions without knowing all the facts.

Once you’re written your first draft, you’ll need to edit it and we’ve written a full comprehensive guide on how to edit your news article.

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